Office: (803) 801-0611
After Hours: (803) 920-9343
Senior Care Resources
When families are trying to figure out and arrange the care of an aging loved one, it can be a confusing, overwhelming, and difficult time. It can also be challenging and emotionally draining to watch a loved one lose their physical and/or mental abilities, and the responsibility of caregiving can sometimes become overwhelming and burdensome. The home care experts at At Home Senior Care and Hospice offer many senior care resources that can make continuing to live at home and maintaining independence easier for the both the patient and their family members.
Respite Care Programs
When a family is caring for a senior family member, they may sometimes feel overwhelmed and need a break, or even just have other things they need to take care of. During times like this, respite care is an option that provides caretakers with relief.
Community Long-Term Care
This type of care can helps seniors stay in their homes rather than entering a facility. Through this program, people can receive at-home care with the help of Medicaid.
People affected by Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia require a specialized care that addresses their specific and individual needs.
Veteran's Health Care Assistance
A person who qualifies as a veteran is able to take advantage of VA health benefits, which can offer specific help for seniors. The VA also provides help with many types of health care for elderly veterans, such as geriatrics programs, home care and long-term care.
Aging seniors and their families are not alone. There are many available resources that At Home Senior Care and Hospice can offer to help. Contact us today to find out how we can help with care for you or your loved one.